6000 Instruction

6000 - Instruction

  • Board Policy 6020: Parent Involvement

    PURPOSE:    Parents/guardians shall have the opportunity to work with schools in a mutually supportive and respectful partnership to support their children’s success in school.
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  • Board Policy 6111: School Calendar

    PURPOSE: To establish procedures for the adoption of school calendars.
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  • Board Policy 6112: School Day

    PURPOSE: To establish school opening and dismissal times for schools within the District.
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  • Board Policy 6120: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

    PURPOSE:    To set forth a strategy of organizing instruction and support resources in the general education program to help close the achievement gaps for all students.
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  • Board Policy 6141: Curriculum and Curriculum Instruction Management System

    PURPOSE:    To establish policies and procedures for the development, implementation, and evaluation of  curriculum in the District.
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  • Board Policy 6141.2: Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs

    PURPOSE:  The District recognizes that students’ education would be incomplete without an understanding of the role of religion in history and society. It is proper and important for teachers to objectively discuss the influences of various religions, using religious works and symbols to illustrate their relationship with society, literature, or the arts. The District expects that such instruction will identify principles common to all religions and foster respect for the multiple creeds practiced by the peoples of the world.
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  • Board Policy 6142.1: Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS

    PURPOSE:    To provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their sexual and reproductive health from unintended pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted infection.
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  • Board Policy 6142.4: Service Learning/Community Education Programs

    PURPOSE:    To encourage service learning opportunities and establish a community education program.
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  • Board Policy 6142.7: Physical Education Program

    PURPOSE:    To define the District’s physical education program and activity.
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  • Board Policy 6144: Controversial Issues

    PURPOSE:    To establish guidelines for the consideration of controversial issues.
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  • Board Policy 6145: Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities

    PURPOSE:    To establish parameters for co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, including academic and ethical standards.
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  • Board Policy 6145.1: Clovis Community Sports and Recreation

    PURPOSE:    To establish and supervise the Clovis Community Sports and Recreation Department.
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  • Board Policy 6145.2: Athletic Competition

    PURPOSE:    To set forth the District’s policy regarding athletic competition.
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  • Board Policy 6145.6: International Exchange

    PURPOSE:    To set forth procedures and requirements for enrollment of international students.
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  • Board Policy 6146.1: High School Graduation Requirements

    PURPOSE:    To establish requirements for earning a high school diploma.
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  • Board Policy 6146.10: Graduation Requirements - Clovis Adult Education

    PURPOSE:    To establish requirements for earning a high school diploma through Clovis Adult Education.
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  • Board Policy 6152: Class Assignment/Calculating Class Rank

    PURPOSE:    To establish procedures for class assignment and calculation of class rank.
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  • Board Policy 6152.1: Placement in Mathematics Courses

    PURPOSE:    To establish procedures for placing students in appropriate mathematics courses.
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  • Board Policy 6153: School-Sponsored Trips/Field Trips

    PURPOSE:    To establish guidelines for school field trips.
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  • Board Policy 6154: Homework/Makeup Work

    PURPOSE:    To establish the educational value of homework and makeup work.
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  • Board Policy 6158: Independent Study

    PURPOSE:    To set the standards for independent study programs that meet the educational needs of District students.
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  • Board Policy 6159: Individualized Education Program

    PURPOSE:    To establish District policy regarding the placement of students with disabilities in the educational placement, programs, and services in accordance with their individualized education programs and applicable laws.
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  • Board Policy 6159.1: Procedural Safeguards and Complaints for Special Education

    PURPOSE:    To establish and maintain procedural safeguards for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act in accordance with applicable laws.
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  • Board Policy 6159.2: Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School and Agency Services for Special Education

    PURPOSE:    To establish District policy, pursuant to Education Code section 56195.8, permitting the  District to contract with state-certified nonpublic, nonsectarian schools or agencies to provide special education services or facilities under the terms and conditions set out in this policy and the accompanying administrative regulation.
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  • Board Policy 6159.3: Appointment of Surrogate Parent for Special Education Students

    PURPOSE:    To comply with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) (20 U.S.C. §§ 1400-1482) regarding the appointment of  surrogate parents for students with disabilities.
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  • Board Policy 6161.1: Selection, Evaluation, and Adoption of Textbooks

    PURPOSE:    To establish criteria and procedures for the selection, evaluation, and adoption of textbooks.
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  • Board Policy 6161.11: Supplementary Instructional Materials

    PURPOSE:    To establish criteria to guide the District in the selection and use of supplemental literature and materials.
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  • Board Policy 6161.2: Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials

    PURPOSE:    To set forth procedures for replacement of instructional materials that are lost or damaged by students.
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  • Board Policy 6161.3: Sale of District Developed Materials and Programs

    PURPOSE:    To allow for sale of District developed materials.
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  • Board Policy 6161.4: Free Materials Distribution in Schools

    PURPOSE:    To establish procedures for the distribution of free materials.
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  • Board Policy 6162.5: Student Assessment

    PURPOSE:    To provide guidelines for the use and review of tests by the District.
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  • Board Policy 6162.6: Use of Copyrighted Materials

    PURPOSE:    To adhere to the provisions of the copyright laws.
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  • Board Policy 6162.8: Research

    PURPOSE:    To establish procedures for authorization and conduct of research.
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  • Board Policy 6163.1: Library Media Centers and Library Materials

    PURPOSE:    To ensure that students and teachers are provided access to a wide variety of appropriate print and  digital resources.
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  • Board Policy 6163.2: Animals at School

    PURPOSE:    To establish policy and procedure regarding use of animals at school sites for instructional purposes.
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  • Board Policy 6163.4: Student Use of Technology

    PURPOSE:    To set forth the rights and responsibilities for students use of technology.
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  • Board Policy 6164.2: Guidance/Counseling Services

    PURPOSE:    To define the counseling services available to all District students.
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  • Board Policy 6164.4: Identification and Evaluation of Students for Special Education Under the Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEA)

    PURPOSE:     To establish District policy regarding identification and evaluation of individuals for special education under the federal IDEA, and the provision of an independent educational evaluation (IEE) under both state and federal law if a parent/guardian disagrees with a District-conducted evaluation.
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  • Board Policy 6164.41: Students with Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools

    PURPOSE:     To establish District policy for the location, identification, and evaluation of students with disabilities voluntarily enrolled by their parents/guardians in private schools within the boundaries of the District.
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  • Board Policy 6164.6: Identification, Evaluation, and Education of Students Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    PURPOSE:    To address the identification, evaluation, and education of students under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
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  • Board Policy 6164.7: Employment of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Interpreters

    PURPOSE:    To specify criteria for employment of deaf and hard of hearing interpreters.
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  • Board Policy 6171: Title I Program

    PURPOSE:    To define  the District’s Title I Program according to law.
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  • Board Policy 6171.10: Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP)

    PURPOSE:    To establish procedures for developing the Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP).
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  • Board Policy 6172.1: Concurrent Enrollment in College Classes

    PURPOSE:    To set forth goals and requirements for student enrollment in community college courses.
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  • Board Policy 6173: Education of Homeless Students

    PURPOSE:    To ensure a free and appropriate public education for homeless students.
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  • Board Policy 6173.1: Education for Foster Youth

    PURPOSE:    To set forth goals and actions for the education of foster youth.
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  • Board Policy 6174: Education for English Learners

    PURPOSE:    To ensure that English learners (EL) are provided with programs that develop fluency in English as prescribed by law.
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  • Board Policy 6176: Weekend/Saturday Classes

    PURPOSE:    To provide learning opportunities  for students to make up class work and for students with low academic performance to receive assistance in a supervised study class.
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  • Board Policy 6177: Summer Learning Programs/Sessions

    PURPOSE:    To provide additional academic opportunities for District students  in the areas of remediation, enrichment, and skill training.
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  • Board Policy 6178: Career Technical Education

    PURPOSE:    To define the District’s comprehensive career technical education (CTE) program for students in grades 7-12.
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  • Board Policy 6178.1: Work Experience Education

    PURPOSE:    To establish a Work Experience Education program.
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  • Board Policy 6181: Alternative Schools/Programs of Choice

    PURPOSE:    To provide an alternative educational program for students to meet District graduation requirements.
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  • Board Policy 6183: Home and Hospital Instruction

    PURPOSE:    To  provide instruction for students with temporary disabilities which makes attendance in the regular day classes or alternative education program in which the student is enrolled impossible or inadvisable.
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  • Board Policy 6184: Continuing Education

    PURPOSE:    To establish and maintain continuation schools or classes for District students who are subject to compulsory continuation education.
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  • Board Policy 6185: Community Day School

    PURPOSE:    To establish and maintain community day schools for students who are expelled, referred pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 300 or 602, or referred by a school attendance review board or through another formal District process.
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  • Board Policy 6190: Evaluation of the Instructional Program/School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

    PURPOSE:     To establish procedures for the evaluation of the instructional program and the development, implementation, and evaluation of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
    Access Policy
  • Board Policy 6200: Adult Education

    These regulations are developed to implement the legislation enacted in 1992 relative to regular high school students enrolling in adult education classes.  It should be stated at the outset that these regulations are to ensure that regular high school students who enroll in an adult education class and all adult education classes meet the letter, spirit and intent of the legislation.
    Access Policy

Clovis Unified School District: Be the best you can be in mind, body, and spirit

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Clovis High Area Schools

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Clovis West Area Schools

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Clovis North Area Schools

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Clovis East Area Schools

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Educational Services Area Schools

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